Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Please Stop Breeding

It looks like the neighbors in Leeds are up to their old tricks again. Last year, they caused me a variety of headaches with their shenanigans. They did fun-fun things like calling the police on my lawn guy. Even the police thought it was racially motivated.

One day, a neighbor showed up and dismantled the shed in the back There were witnesses who refused to come forward, in fear of retaliation from the Head of the Redneck Mafia who happens to live on that street.

There was also at least one other event that I attribute to them. Someone broke in and smeared feces on the walls in one bedroom but didn't take anything. I wish I could be so lucky this time.

On Sunday, Ms. Betty called with disturbing news. According to her, they were in the process of moving into their new home and had just come back to clean the house to find the door kicked open. Some of the items from Betty's last remaining boxes were missing. Also missing was the six month old dishwasher. The stove was left, but moved out from its intended place. I guess they decided against it.

Ms. Betty is pretty sure it is the neighbors because she said they were watching her move out. Given how quiet the street is (it is waaaayyy out of the way) this is a plausible suggestion. It occurred to me that Mr. and Mrs. Betty took it and hocked it too, making up the entire scenario to cover their backsides. I am not discounting this theory either. Might you remember the hack saw incident from months earlier?

In any case, with a little luck and some help from Jack, I am going to try to sell this place again. I really want this house gone. I am tired of it. I am tired of everyone associated with this house. I am tired of the drama.

And, if it doesn't sell, I guess I will have something else to write about.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

WOW! Dishwasher and stove? Something about them invites stolen appliances doesn't it? I know they had nothing to do with the stolen appliances over at Willie's place but really, maybe that's where they got the idea? Remember, they aren't very original (yes, I do remember the hack saw story). I abhor their neighbors. However, I don't see them as being appliance thieves. They appear to only steal whatever is outside. Door kicker inners they aren't. I agree with your assessment. They wanted to pawn (or use in their new place) some appliances. Simple as that.