Monday, September 14, 2009


Since my nervous breakdown three weeks ago, I have been reacting to just about everything Alabama with escalating levels of trepidation mixed with anger. I have been loathe to open e-mails or listen to voice mail. Every little thing makes me more irritable than Darth Vader with a migraine.

Marty Sunshine has been picking up some of the slack, offering to take on whatever will make me less crazed. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the background on most of the ongoing issues, nor the time to handle this nonsense. He is handling Mr. Partner and a few odds and ends, but overall, this has been my burden.

This past week Ms. Betty told me rent was on the way. When I didn't get it, she gave me her best theatrical, "Are you kidding me?" She told me the Post Office cashier's check was sent on August 28. It hadn't been cashed. And she pawned her car to pay the rent. I really didn't need to hear the last part.

I don't really have the strength to deal with Ms. Betty, so I am keeping our communication on an e-mail level. Plus, it helps document everything. Which may come in handy.

On Thursday, I pointed out that, although I felt bad for her situation, it was strangely suspicious that this was the second time the post office had lost only her rent check. I also told her I needed to know how she would be rectifying this as soon as possible so I could make some decisions.

I didn't hear back Friday. But I did Saturday. If I read through her e-mail correctly, Friday Mr. Betty had his hours cut back and she wanted me to be "the first to know." Nothing was said about the lack of rent. However, she was clear future rent is going to be difficult to come up with. Did I have any solutions?

That's when the release happened. Up until that moment, everything Alabama was stroking me out. Not this! I wrote the happiest e-mail I have written in weeks:
Ms. Betty,

As you not making much effort to find the missing rent and are not committing to solving this, it looks like you have a housing problem. I wish you the best. It will save us money if you just move out this week so I don't have to start the eviction process.

The best of luck to you and your family.

The Landlord

No, I don't need another vacant home. But getting rid of Ms. Betty still makes me want to do cartwheels. As Legal Eagle once said, "Things can only go up from here."

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