Thursday, September 24, 2009

Shaken, Not Thrown

I got an application on the house on Martin. When Jerry met with Carolsue, she told him, "Be sure to fill out the application thoroughly. The landlord has a thing about that." Carolsue assures me Jerry nodded dutifully.

On Monday, Jerry called me to tell me he was faxing the application. I got the application Tuesday night.

Wednesday morning, I looked over the application to find out there are some basic items missing. Like phone numbers for personal references. Like the amount Jerry is currently paying right now for rent. Like a phone number to contact his current employer to verify employment and income.

Feeling marginally desperate, I called Jerry to coach him into resubmitting the application with the required items included. However, Jerry's phone has one of those "at the subscriber's request, this phone is not accepting voice messages at this time." How nice.

I am pleased to say I saw this for what it was worth: a waste of time. I am also pleased to say at that moment, my initial desperation washed away like a martini thrown in the face of 1940's movie star. I was done. Jerry flunked the basic prescreening. I knew what I would be in for if I approved him.

I had already mentally moved on from Jerry when, about 30 minutes later, I got a call on my cell phone. When I answered, the caller (who happened to be calling from the number Jerry had given me), gave introduction by demanding, "Who are you? You called me? What do you need."

"I am sorry, I don't know if I called you. I made several calls this morning." I said.

The man, undeterred, wanting to why I was calling.

I asked, "To whom am I speaking to please?"

He said, "Mike."

"Hmmmm? I know I didn't call a Mike today, so I guess I didn't call you." I said and promptly hung up.

Good bye Jerry.

Next time I will just drink the martini.

1 comment:

Lori said...

ah, the comfort that experience brings!! :^)