Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The One-Man Band Comes to a Screeching Halt

Until yesterday, Mondays have traditionally been my work day. Up until yesterday, my home schooled kids were in "school" all day, playing with other home school kids and learning about bats, the desert and Dr. Seuss. Yesterday was the last day of school. Additionally, my babysitter/file clerk's parents have decided they should spend the summer in Canada, so I am not sure what the future holds for my "work days" at this moment.

Yesterday--my last official work day of the school year--was wasted with a mind-blowing migraine that started around 7:30 a.m. and lasted until Halloween. Marty Sunshine, who has a new position at work, had to come home and take the kids to school, because there was no way I was venturing into sunlight. And there was no way they were staying home (Marty was also was bandying around catch phrases like "aneurysm," suggesting he didn't want to scare me). In fact, I was so sick of the humming of the air conditioner, that if I had the strength I would have turned it off--even if it was 100 degrees.

When I did finally manage to lift my head, I found out I have missed three messages from Alabama. I haven't worked on the loan modifications and I haven't sent the bills to Bliz to pay. I also had a few Alabama e-mails of significance that need to be addressed, including one from Mr. 114 for some work he did and another from Carolsue wondering where her money is for some errands she has run for me.

The one e-mail that is painfully missing is from Legal Eagle telling me Mrs. Martin was served. So I guess that still hasn't happened. Too bad I took yesterday off, I could have called Red myself and asked him why this hasn't happened yet.

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