Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Much Have You Been Paying Attention?

In honor of collegiate finals week, here is today's post, in multiple-choice fashion.


A. Choose Your Own Adventure
B. These Blogs Practically Write Themselves

Mrs. Martin's 10 day notice has expired and the next part of the eviction process has not occurred because

A. nothing ever happens on time in the South.
B. Mrs. Martin has paid me and this is a moot point.

Mrs. Martin is on notice and is

A. shaking in her shoes.
B. is unaware she has a landlord.

Once served, Mrs. Martin will

A. send out an incoherant text message saying she will send money some time next week.
B. move out.

If indeed Mrs. Martin does send money, Legal Eagle will advise me to:

A. cash the check and sock it in the bank until we do this again next month.
B. return it to Mrs. Martin and kick her out anyway.


Ernie said...

B, A, B, A, A

Fiona D. said...

I am a bit partial to "Choose Your Own Adventure." Which, come to think of it, sums up my blog page.

Ernie said...

My daughter (who has decided to take a summer off from school for the first time in 4 years) is spending her summer off writing a "choose your own adventure" book. I haven't seen her this excited since she discovered the Back Street Boys!

Ernie said...

Oh, by the way, you didn't say that YOU would accept her rent and let her slide - you said what would LEGAL EAGLE recommend.

BusyMommy said...

I would have gone with A,A,B,A,A...but maybe thats just me:D