Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Sucker Punch

I got hit when I wasn't looking. I didn't see it coming. I am kicking myself. What signs did I miss? Would it have made a difference if I saw this coming? Was there was anything to see? I am still not sure.

After 5 years of renting from me, Mr. and Mrs. C. moved out. They told me Monday that they left over the weekend. And, where should they mail the keys?

Oh, she also added this sentiment: "I know it doesn't mean much, but I do appreciate all you have done for us."

Five years and I get an e-mail. I suppose that is better than no notice. But I am having trouble counting my blessings on this one.

Carolsue and Baseball Guy are heading over in the morning to check out the house. Mrs. C didn't leave keys, but I am quite certain Baseball Guy can figure out a way to get inside.

The Cs are older, in their 60s. Most likely there isn't much in the house to see or fix. Mrs. C. told me the microwave stopped working last week. She also told me about some of the great things she did to the home. She added a circular driveway. She power washed the exterior. She added a fence at some point. All these little extras. More blessings. I think.

Jack ran comps on the property. It turns out I am not upside down. Another blessing. But, I don't have a lot of equity with the state of the housing market. So, it is going to be a rental again.

Hopefully it will rent fast. I haven't decided if I am going to give it to Kirby or manage it myself. I will make that decision once I evaluate the rent rates.

But first I need to catch my breath and find a way to count my blessings.


Lori said...

sorry this happened. :(

one thing i've learned, people *hate* to give bad news. they will go to any lengths to avoid having a difficult conversation.

i hope the house is in good shape & you can rent it out fast.

it always causes pangs when you think you finally have your ducks in a row and you've got your eye on possible trouble and then something completely unexpected happens.

Fiona D. said...

Thank you Lori.