Thursday, May 13, 2010

Neighborhood Watch

Last we left the Springs, they had a broken window courtesy of the neighbor kid. Mrs. Redneck (and I mean that in the nicest, most accurate way) paid for the window. But she didn't promise it wouldn't happen again. In fact, she sort of hinted she would like it to happen again.

Since then, all heck has broken out in this seemingly quiet neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Redneck have declared they have lived on this street for 15 years, and therefore their children can go into anyone else's home (when the residents aren't there), trample through yards and take whatever they want without permission from the neighbors.

I would like to point out to these yahoos, there are still laws in place. Even in Leeds Alabama. I would also like to point out, I have little patience for idiots. Especially in Leeds Alabama.

If my threat doesn't carry any weight, I am pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Spring have decided to fight back. They are rallying around some of their saner neighbors and are willing to do what it takes to take back their neighborhood.

When I heard about the latest shenanigans Sunday, I was momentarily paralyzed the Springs would pack up and leave. Instead, they want to put up a perimeter fence around the front of the home and line it with pointy shrubs. And, they would like to get a home alarm system installed sometime in the near future. They don't plan on leaving. They plan on doing what it takes to send someone to jail. I am all for that, and will do what it takes as well.

I personally spoke with the Leeds police department Sunday afternoon, they were fully aware of the situation. I asked them to continue to provide additional patrols to the area. The desk officer told me what it would take for Mrs. Spring to file a warrant (starting with gathering evidence). But, the policed are now on high-alert. In fact, they know the neighbor's name, as this isn't the first time the neighbors have made the gossip around the water cooler since I have owned the home.

The Rednecks may have owned their home 15 years now, but that doesn't mean they can't find better accommodations somewhere else.


Ernie said...

The strangest thing happens when ever I pull onto that street in Leeds............I faintly hear the sound of banjo music........what do you think that means????

BusyMommy said...

Seriously, people, even rednecks are embarrassed right now.

Ernie said...

I come from a LONG line of rednecks. However, we didn't cross onto their property without permission nor did we allow them to cross onto ours. Course, my granddaddy didn't want them on our property because of the still but that's a whole other story.

Fiona D. said...

A "bless their hearts" doesn't even begin to encompass my feelings about these people.