Friday, May 28, 2010

Go Figure?

When we last left the home on Hysteria lane, the nosey neighbors had found me and tattled about the "common trash" that occupied my home. In fact, Brandie, the alpha-housewife, wanted me to know how much better the people who lived in the home before the "common trash" were.

Or she did until I said, "The former tenants were thieves and liars. I certainly hope you didn't associate with the likes of them." Which brought on a few "oh no ma'ams!"

Actually the former tenants weren't too bad. For thieves and liars. And, one could argue I have a subjective view of a thief and liar. But, I digress.

When Kirby went over to check on this house Tuesday, he was accosted by the housewives, who had a lot to say. None of it pleasant. Most of it utterly inaccurate. The house is in decent, lived-in condition. It needs to be cleaned. There is little food in the refrigerator, with the majority of it being beer. There are some personal items left behind. Not much. The walls are not black. The power is on. The front yard is mowed. The back yard is not.

Apparently, the tenants moved out two months ago. But, Kirby has been dutifully getting rent checks from them. Technically the tenants can do what they want with the home until their lease runs out--as long as they pay every month. And, with the new month approaching, we may find out how serious they are about keeping the home.

In the mean time, I have been busy on Tuesday. I now have two families who would like to rent this home sight unseen if it becomes available. TWO! A happy problem.

I like happy problems.

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