Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Southern Justice

Howie the Hack was a referral from Pete the Attorney.

On Monday, before I turned in the Alabama Bar Association malpractice info, I went to Pete and said, "by the way, the guy you referred to me didn't perform. We are in a bind. I am sad." I didn't scream "malpractice," but vaguely suggested that I was looking at a recourse to our new predicament--Howie's lack of response.

My thought was parlaying with Pete was probably faster and would save me the headache of filing with the BAR. And, given the paperwork, it would probably save several small rain forests and a future aneurysm as well.

I honestly though Howie and I were done. After all, missing that meeting was pretty much saying we had no issue with these bozo tenants staying until their youngest graduates from medical school 25 years from now. So, I figured we were stuck with this.

When Pete e-mailed me back, he gave a heart-felt apology and asked for my number, assuring me Howie would soon be calling. I didn't believe it. I was already on to my latest adventure and would shoot off an e-mail to Legal Eagle for some help next week.

Instead, Howie called today. Not only did I get an apology from him for not returning our three phone calls the last two weeks and ignoring the creditor meeting, but he gave me a thorough update on everything he was doing. Apparently he is now motivated to help us.

He has contacted the Bozo Tenant's attorney and the bankruptcy judge asking for a stay on our behalf. He is consulting his Magic 8 Ball and seeking answers as to when we could get this house back. He is calling his Italian cousin Harry the Hacksaw to see if perhaps he might need a side job. (Ok, I made up one item on that list).

And, by the way, he would be happy to update me on a regular basis. How did every Friday sound? Would I prefer an e-mail or a phone call? Say about 3 p.m.?

I don't know what transpired between Pete and Howie, but I am guessing it was an interesting conversation.


Ernie said...

Pete's a good man - Howie is a schmuk

Lori said...

genius idea to tell pete!