Wednesday, August 26, 2009

His Heart Grew Three Sizes That Day*

Mr. Partner heard from Marty that I didn't take last week's news very well about the missing air conditioner. In all fairness, I could have done without Marty mentioning how the entire incident made me loose the contents of my stomach. But I am sure Marty meant well in a sweet, husbandy way.

Monday I got the following sane e-mail from Mr. Partner. I didn't read it right away, as I have been on a Mr. Partner e-mail boycott. This bit of self-preservation was brought about by the 14,000 e-mails earlier last week that weren't as kind.

Here is what he wrote:

I just wanted to add my two cents on this latest incident. Burglaries are something that you cannot control and you cannot take it personally. That is what insurance is for. What we take away from this is to not buy properties in this area in future, and possibly sell this one if financially possible. Nothing else can be done.

Please take all of this with a grain of salt, we will get through it.

Thanks for all you do, it is appreciated.......SINCERELY

Aw shucks! Go figure?

*With props to Dr. Seuss for writing such descriptive prose that would eventually be as fitting for the Grinch as it is for Mr. Partner


Ernie said...

Quit claim deed it to me - I'll take it!

Ernie said...

The house not the partner

Lori said...

so glad he's SINCERE