Saturday, August 29, 2009

Five of the Hive

Some pictures you can comb over.



Ernie said...

It's over by the fireplace now?? Before it was on the other end of that wall in the corner by the kitchen! Egads!!

Isn't there some kind of stuff you can spray in there that the bees hate more than their mother in law and they won't ever come back?? I mean, you can do that kind of thing to keep your pets off your furniture, ants from coming back, surely there's something for bees??

That guy is BRAVE, I wouldn't do his job for ANY amount of money.

Fiona D. said...

I think it is in the same wall. The hive is now gone so the bees shouldn't be back.

Ernie said...

I think I saw a sci-fi movie like this once where the people thought they had removed the hive but there was a master hive hidden deeper and the bees kept coming back and one day the owners woke up with this incredible urge for honey and they went to the bathroom and when they looked in the mirror......................THEY HAD TURNED INTO GIANT BEES!!!! AWWWWWWW!
Now I'm going to have to sleep with the lights on.
Thanks a LOT Fiona.