Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Grumpy Mr. Partner

Mr. Partner has come out of his hidey-hole long enough to realize things aren't going all that well. Of course, had he been reading the weekly updates for the past six weeks, he might have connected the dots sooner.

Mr. Richard's home left us with a few surprises. A water leak. A broken air conditioner that would cost as much to repair as to replace. Missing 25-year old appliances. A leaking/rusted shower pan enveloped in tile. The list goes on. Insurance doesn't cover general maintenance. It covers vandalism. None of these things are vandalism. They are neglect from Mr. Richards, who didn't bother to tell me about the shower, air conditioner and water leaks.

I tasked Marty with prepping Mr. Partner with the news. My feeling is if I have to deal with the direct line of chaos, I am not making it worse by passing it along to the Mr. Partner volcano.

Mr. Partner did contact Marty and opted to copy me on his notes. He said a lot of things, but it boiled down to: "I am not happy." And for the record, I am not either. But, I am dealing with this garbage on a daily basis. He just hears about it once a week.

It used to be, I took this very personally. But after all these years, I happen to know me being at the helm didn't cause these issues. In fact, I encourage Mr. Partner to step up if he can do better.

It isn't my fault we had a tenant (who has lived in this house for more than four years) file bankruptcy and now feels he should live for free until at least November. It isn't my fault the 508s trashed their house. It isn't my fault Mr. Richards (apparently) had a bit of a gambling issue and sold everything not nailed down to appease those looking for him.

I screen my tenants before they move in. There isn't anything in my screening process that accounts for a compulsive gambler, abusive relationships or other potential life-altering situations. I don't have a crystal ball to tell me how the people renting from me will behave from the second they arrive until the day they leave.

This week I have another tenant moving out. She is getting a divorce and has lost her job. She isn't staying and living off me for free. She is moving on. I appreciate that.

I invite Mr. Partner to take this over. Because I would be thrilled to get weekly updates. It would be refreshing for a change.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Mr. Partner would be an idiot to leave his "arm chair quarterback" position. It is always much easier to point out what's wrong with this picture than it is to draw it. He needs to get a grip and instead of having a come apart, he needs to offer up some solid solutions to the issues. No offense to Mr. Partner, but he doesn't sound like someone I'd invite for a fun dinner party.