Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Honeymoon is Over

Ms. Angie is settled into her home with only a minor variety of drama. She still doesn't have a downstairs shower. Her gently used stove sported an attitude the second time she opted to cook, deciding to break down instead of performing. That sparked a slap fight between Ms. Betty and Carolsue that I will save for another post. Let's just say, if Mr. Betty wasn't appliance repair man...

I think there was some other incident that happened during Ms. Angie's first week too, but that was so four days ago.

I am guessing Ms. Angie is feeling snug as a bug in a new rug (thank you James-the-cash-only-former-hell's-angel-turned-carpet-guy). Why?

Because--as I predicted--Angie asked me to be her Facebook friend. Oh, if she only knew my whole Facebook experience can be summarized by this: I comment on my cousin's postings and I play Word Drop. To me, there isn't really much other reason for Facebook to exist. If I actually friended her, she would be so disappointed.

Meanwhile, we will have this awkward silence while I ignore her request. Though I will not be able to read postings along the lines of, "My &;^$@!#$ landlord still hasn't fixed the downstairs shower." Sorry, I will have to miss those too.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Some people will invite just anyone to be their Facebook friend, won't they? Geez.