Sunday, August 02, 2009

I Am Pretty Sure I Have Covered This Bee-Fore

Ms. Robin e-mailed me. The bees are back. She found honey dripping from her wall (ew!).

However, unlike certain tenants I have, Ms. Robin is proactive, actually taking the time to call a beekeeper before she contacted me. I am guessing she recognizes I am here and her problem is there.

Although she made the phone call, I am sure she was muttering under her breath as she wrote to me, "I am sure not paying for this...." And sigh. No, she isn't.


Ernie said...

I have been told (by a police officer) that the fire department will come out and get rid of the bees (for free). Don't know if that's true, but it's worth a shot don't you think??

Fiona D. said...

She tried them. Apparently it is an old hives tale.

ernie said...

oooooooooooooooooh. wait for the drum roll.

BusyMommy said...

Weird. And sticky.