Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ship Mates

Marty Sunshine's uncle is one of those types who sees the glass half-full. You could be stranded in a row boat, in the middle of the ocean, a category 5 hurricane heading straight at you while a school of ravenous sharks circle. He would say, "Won't this make a fabulous story once we get back to land?" And he means it.

That's why Uncle Sunshine astonished me when he once offered me this piece of wisdom some years back, "The only ship that doesn't float is a partnership." This has been ringing in my ears the past two days.

I am certain Mr. Partner will get over his frustrations. And, even if he doesn't, I am no longer reading his e-mails, so I won't know. Besides, what is he going to do at this point? Fly out to Birmingham and rip the air conditioner off the property and hand it back to Clay? Ask the plumber to restore the leak? Glue the precarious limb back on to the home?

Marty delicately explained yesterday that this is our (Marty's and mine) money too. We are all in this together. To Marty's credit, he didn't mention that perhaps Mr. Partner would have a lot less to complain about if he hadn't ignored all of July's updates where we asked for his input. I wouldn't have been so diplomatic.

And, for the record, things aren't anything like last summer. This isn't so bad.

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