Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thier Slogan is "Simplify Your Life"

After spending an enormous amount of time on the phone with the power company this week, I found out they have no motivation to turn on the electricity to the 508 house.

The first reason they gave me was because there was an overdue bill from the Fultondale home. It wouldn't have been overdue if Bliz had gotten the bill. Apparently they sent it to Michigan. Bliz doesn't live in Michigan.

Once the bill was paid (instantly from the moment we found out), they still wouldn't allow power to be turned on. Why? Because the former tenants owe money. Let me summarize. Tenants didn't pay power bill. Anyone from this point forward wanting electricity at that house can't have power at this time because FORMER TENANTS WHO NO LONGER LIVE THERE owe money. I am sure it makes sense if you don't think about it too hard.

What I was told as the only remedy for this predicament was that I was to personally show up on the electric company's door step with proof of ownership. Once they verify I am the rightful owner, they will then turn on the power.

On Wednesday, when I called I was handed this predicament. This was the conversation that ensued.

Me: "I am in Arizona. Can I just fax the deed?"
Electric company representative: "No, you have to come in person. That's the only way."
Me: "Arizona isn't next to Alabama, it isn't like I can just hop in the car and get over there."
And she said: "It isn't?"

Have you ever had one of those moments where every vein in your head was ready to explode? That was about my point. So, I asked for her supervisor, figuring someone over there had an IQ higher than 17. The customer service rep hung up on me.

Carolsue, armed with a power of attorney is now taking care of this issue. After all, say I was incapacitated, someone on my behalf should be able to handle this right? There has to be a way for someone other than the owner to turn on the power.

Friday I got an e-mail from Carolsue. It said:

"I cannot get the power on at 508 until Monday at the earliest. The reason behind this is that I became so frustrated at the 'customer service representative' who was waiting on me that I asked to speak with her supervisor who will not be back until Monday. Don't even ask."

I don't need to.

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