Friday, July 17, 2009

Zero to Bitch with One E-Mail

It appears I have lost all semblance of decorum. Though, I did manage to tone it down a bit when Ms. Betty wrote me today asking if it would be ok if she could send the rent a bit later than she was anticipating.

I managed to keep my answer to, "No it is not ok." Though that may not be as strong as "Hell no." I hope it drives the same point home.

I suspect I won't hear from her. If she does, the following response will be given.

"I have been more than patient with your incessant e-mails of countless ways of showing me how irresponsible you are. Your problems should not be my problems. Move your ass out or pay the rent. But don't ask me for anything. Ever. I am not in the mood."

Better yet, maybe I will just show her this blog.


Ernie said...

WAY back when she was sending you pictures of her abnormally ugly children and telling you all about her private life, I believe I told you that there would come a day before long when she would expect that to be payment for your favors. People like that suck up because they think that by the time they become trouble, you will be so enamored by them that you will let them slide. I say send her the exact verbiage you wrote in your blog! Pay or get out - your problems should not become my problems. I would also tell her that you don't do this as a hobby - this is not the Salvation Army. You either pay NOW or you move NOW - end of chat. Let me know if you need me to get my cousins (Guido & Frankie, Jr.) to pay her a visit. They'll help her pack.

Fiona D. said...

I figured as much myself. Tenants who get friendly don't tend to do it for alturstic reasons.

Ernie said...

Not that you aren't such a lovely person that everyone is nice to you because you are a joy to be around (seriously did that make sense?) You know what I mean! I'm nice to you (on occasion) just because I love and adore you!!