Monday, July 27, 2009

What Comes Around...

Before Mr. Richards was beamed up, he took the dishwasher and the stove with him. The lawn mower is also missing, so I am guessing there is a charitable neighbor on that block.

However, Mr. Richards did leave a refrigerator with meat in it. The power had been off for weeks. He also left behind a summons to appear in court last May. And paperwork for the title-pawn shop. I guess he isn't seeing that car any time soon.

Mr. Richards. I will catch up with you. I promise.


Lori said...

dishwasher, stove, lawn mower ... if it's over $500, is it a felony?

you've got to wonder how he rationalizes stealing appliances when he's behind on the rent. looking forward to the day when you catch up to him!

Fiona D. said...

Sadly, anything over $2500 is a felony. The appliances were old, so insurance would depreciate them. The place wasn't torn up (like the 508 house). I suspect he hocked them.

BusyMommy said...

Ewww... Some people are just icky. And really dishonest.