Tuesday, July 28, 2009



I would like to ask a favor from my readers.

I would like to know what is of value in this blog. I often get comments that this blog is interesting, but I am looking for specifics about what is useful as a potential or current tenant/landlord/investor/casual observer with a lust for someone else's drama.

I am gathering research. I would really appreciate any and all feedback--even if you don't own a rental. You are welcome to e-mail me or leave a post.



Lori said...

even though i do own rental properties, i mostly enjoy hearing about your drama - you are a great storyteller! :^)

and - i like hearing about the process of dealing with more serious issues / worse clients - because i figure i will face the same things eventually!

Nancy Case said...

I have NO interest in becoming a landlord, especially after reading your blog. But your adventures in this business are very entertaining.