Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Is He or Isn't He?

I would like to go on record right now: Danny Haren should have been the starting National League pitcher for the All Star game this week. If you (and Marty Sunshine) don't care, that's fine. This my blog.

Now, where did I put Mr. Richards?

Weeks ago, Red--under Legal Eagle's direction--posted an eviction notice on Mr. Richard's home. We heard nothing. Carolsue drove past a few times and could not decide if he was still there. On one hand, the yard didn't have the Mr. Richards manicured look. On the other hand, the house didn't have a vacant look.

At one point, while debating this with Legal Eagle, she asked me what I wanted to do next: file with the court or wait a bit longer. Under attorney-client confidentiality, I explained to Legal Eagle that Carolsue was planning on looking for her cat. It might just happen to be in Mr. Richard's back yard.

So, if Carolsue drove by and Mr. Richards car wasn't there, she was planning on getting out of the car. She would then check and see if if her cat was in the back yard near the electric meter. If she happened to glance at the meter and it wasn't running, Carolsue would then peek in the window and see if her cat was inside.

However, before Carolsue was able to look for Fluffy, Mr. Richards--in one of his moments of psychic premonition--put foil on the windows, making sure nobody could see in or out. If Fluffy were inside, nobody would know.

Meanwhile, I have been twiddling my thumbs, pacing the floor and gnashing my teeth wondering why on Earth Mr. Richards didn't just leave. It didn't make sense. He isn't the type to hang out. He always struck me as the type to skulk out in the middle of the night instead.

While discussing my confusion about Mr. Richard's behavior yesterday, Carolsue mentioned his trash has been sitting by the side of the house for a week. This is so-unlike the immaculate Mr. Richards. Perhaps he did skulk out in the middle of the night.

This coming Thursday (theoretically), Baseball Guy will be heading on over to check out the house to see if the ghost of Mr. Richards is all that's left.

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