Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sorry, It Only Impressed the Heck Out of Me

As someone who manages a gazillion properties, I recently received a marketing package from the company that runs credit for me. I suspect they mistook me for an unsophisticated yokel with a single digit IQ.

The "package" they were selling was a "presentation solution" to give to potential landlords (sent to me presumably thinking I was a company that manages other people's rentals) to sway them to use me. I am sorry I threw out the letter which gave me the price for this presentation solution. I really am.

Here is the "Presentation Solution" they were providing me: an orange two pocket paper folder with three metal brad fasteners in the middle to hold the additional papers. A savvy shopper, could probably find the same folder at Wal-Mart for about 39 cents.

On the outside--as part of their demonstration, there is a typed post-it that says (and I am not making this up):

Deliver a "Tenant presentation" package that will
impress the hell out of a landlord

so he'll look to YOU for future tenants
and NOT your competition!

On the next page, in the first pocket was the following post it and sample lease application. Note the word "report" is missing a letter.

And, what a helpful hint about the business card. By the way, nowhere in their presentation solution is this company's name or contact number. I am not sure if I thought this gimmick up, I would include my name or number either.

This is the sample credit report in the middle of the folder, firmly affixed with metal fasteners. Yes, the printing really is crooked on the post-it.

A free orange two-pocket folder for the first person who can name two grammar errors. If you can find a third, then I will throw in the contents (it is really there).

And what presentation solution would be complete without the UPC sticker still stuck on the back of the folder!


Lori said...


Unknown said...

three errors huh...
well, tenants is capitalized (forgivable I guess) but missing the possessive apostrophe, there's a missing comma after lease (also capitalized, but maybe it's supposed to be REALLY IMPORTANT). Lastly, I'd have to hazard that the use of "ie" is incorrect, that they really wanted to use eg. Did I win the Orange Folder?

Fiona D. said...

All yours Alec! I assume you did not have help from your family's proofreader (who taught me all I know about such things).

For those who care: it would be: "e.g., and tenant's lease,"

For you, I will throw in fabulous barbecue with the cheesy orange folder. But that's not all! You also get the contents of the cheesy orange folder and the stupid yellow post-its.

Congrats! It couldn't go to a better person.

BusyMommy said...

LOL... That is even funnier than the time I was selected to appear in the Business Women of Phoenix book.