Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Covering My Assets

My problem with Monday's applicants is:

1. They didn't completely fill out the application
2. There seem to be some trust issues between the man and woman
3. Though unsaid, I am under the impression both parties sport a a bit of a past that should remain there.

My contention is, essentially why borrow trouble by allowing these people into my home? I am very uncomfortable with how this relationship between us has already started. Asking me to keep secrets and propagate lies isn't putting one's best foot forward.

And, if they can't be straight with each other, is this what I have to look forward to? What will be the fallout if we find out Mr. Applicant is really a cross-dressing transsexual and Mrs. Applicant just found out. A fight? Domestic violence? One party leaving and the other party not being able to make the rent.

And, who will foot the bill for their dishonesty? Yep, the landlord who just wants the house rented out to sane, stable people.

As of Monday afternoon, my head was swimming. So, at Marty's urging, I turned off my Birmingham phone and forgot about it until mid Tuesday afternoon.

What a wonderful treat! There were nine voicemail messages waiting for me. Two of them were from (hopefully) sane people whom I sent to Carolsue to show the property Wednesday morning.

Of course, there were a few others who were automatically disqualified for their lack of basic communication skills. For example, it is always a good idea to leave your name in your voice mail message.

Or, if I call you back, and say, "Hello this is the Landlord, you called me about my home for rent in Fultondale..." For Heaven's sake, don't answer with, "So. What of it?"

And, of course there is my least-favorite--when I call back someone back and the voice mail doesn't work, is full or the caller is not receiving messages (at their request). Do not call me back and say, "Did you just call me at this number?" My response to that clown was, "I might have. I called a lot of people back this afternoon."

Of course Delightful Dawn also called me. She wanted to know if I got her application and what the status was. I called her back and told her I had received another application and Carolsue was showing the home again Wednesday. After that, I would make a decision.

Delightful Dawn responded, telling me I was "unfair." She was there first. So therefore I had to rent the house out to her. Nope, I don't. Nor do I need someone who pouts before they even move in. What if the electric bill comes due the same day as the rent? Will that also be "not fair" if she is forced to choose between the two? Been there. Done that.


Lori said...

this isn’t the oklahoma land rush, dawn, and you aren’t nicole kidman with a flag.

Ernie said...

Here's the thing about Dawn and company. Had you rented to them it wouldn't be 2 months down the road before I'd drive by to see a minimum of 4 wrecked cars on blocks sitting on your grass, at least 3 mean yard dogs tied to a chair in the back yard and too many to count beer cans in the driveway. Oh yeah, and bullet holes in the trees and let's not forget the confederate flag flying high above the front door. Yep. You only rent to folks like Dawn and company when the neighborhood has REALLY pissed you off.