Sunday, April 05, 2009

When All Bets Are Off

There is a period of time between when I decide I am through and the tenant realizes I am through. Sometimes it is a split second. Sometimes, as in the case of Mr. Smith, it is about six weeks.

Most of the time when I reach this point, the tenant figures it out in a few days. And the reason why is they have received a second notice saying next time I see them will be in front of a judge.

I think the period from when I have decided they will no longer live there and before they realize they are moving is a lull. There is some notion floating through their imagination that I have somehow backed off and am ok with the current arrangement. That by the Grace of all that is Holy, they have gotten an answer to their prayer--a reprieve until the next time I call. Phew. Sadly, what they don't understand is that I won't speak to them any more. The next communication and all communications from this point forward are with Legal Eagle.

Generally as the realization that really-for-true-no-kidding-yep-this-eviction-is-happening hits, they do one of three actions. Either they will contact me asking for mercy, they will move or they will make me evict them. You may ask Wayward how well waiting for the eviction to works. She has a good portion of her paycheck going to Legal Eagle every month.

I am not sure if Mrs. Martin fully realizes I am done. In my text I told her so. She wrote me back, giving me a sob story and sketchy payment plan that she has proven she won't follow. I suspect she really does think I am running a charity.


Ernie said...

As for her "payment plan", she needs to "tell it to the Judge"!!

BusyMommy said...

Payment Plan? Isn't that the monthly due date for her rent?