Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh No! Not Another Learning Experience!

Several years ago, Bliz introduced me to the Law of Attraction. Essentially, if you can think it, you can be it. I unconsciously tried out this concept last year. I thought "disaster" and that's about what I got.

In January, I started really focusing on the idea of the Law of Attraction and what potential I could get from it. Before I got out of bed every day, I would envision what I wanted to see happen--in this case it was a peaceful and profitable existence with my Alabama business. And, I was getting it.

Yes, I had the overall annoyances with broken air conditioners and the maddening tenants, but for the most part, these challenges didn't have the same emotional impact I felt last summer. Nor did they really have a tremendous impact on my internal peace and prospective prosperity.

About two weeks ago, I stopped my daily mantra. I didn't realize I stopped it right away. However, I did notice a lot of general annoyances starting to add up. Mrs. Martin. Mrs. 508. This week's check that bounced. Ms. Betty. Wind damage to one of my homes. That kind of thing.

Yesterday I reached my brink. My day started and ended with the word "cluster." Marty Sunshine did what any good husband would do when faced with a crazed wife on the verge of a breakdown: he left me alone with the TV remote so I could watch baseball, all the while saying a prayer the Diamondbacks might possibly win and my mood would improve. (The Diamondbacks did miraculously pull off a win--just for the record).

My mood didn't improve until today. This morning I realized my drama was building inside my head. Oh yes, these latest annoyances are no different than the annoyances last month or the month before. There are always annoyances. The difference being how I was instantly reacting. When I thought of my challenges as individual issues, I had peace. I could handle it.

When I started adding up everything going on and all the drama (real or imaginary), looking for evidence about how we were drowning, I started seeing failure everywhere. This morning, I immediately started my mantra again. And all of the sudden it really doesn't seem so bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now if only your daily mantra would work on the D-backs! ~Bliz (Go Cards!) :)