Monday, April 20, 2009


You know that friend who calls you once a month because the sky is falling? They fill your ears will all sorts of scenarios of the imaginary disasters that are probably going to befall upon them. And you, caught between "she a good friend" and "could she please get a grip already!" tolerate it as much as you can until thankfully you have the lamest of excuses to get you off the phone. "Um... I have to go now... I am overdue from balancing my check book." That kind of thing.

Well, today your drama queen friend would be me. For whatever reason, my imagination was in overdrive. The drama was overwhelming. Nothing was calming me--not even my old standby friends who endure the once a month drama. And frankly, I didn't need the drama. It only made the reality worse.

It didn't help today that I heard from Mrs. 508 and Ms. Betty. Both of whom have their own drama going on and opted to share it with me, whether or not I really wanted to hear it (and Ms. Betty cried).

Nor did it help that Mr. Richards is still being a flake and Mrs. Martin is nowhere to be found.

Or that the people who sent me the hot check last week now tell me they are moving out--NEXT MONTH (it would take just as long to evict them and cost more money as it will to wait for them to just leave).

And, it doesn't help that I have another vacant home as of today.

Today was one of those days that just made me want to say "uncle," crawl back in bed and wait until November to peek back out and see if the coast is clear.

I hope tomorrow looks better.

1 comment:

BusyMommy said...

I'm sorry. Anything I can do for you? :(