Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Random Bama

Mr. 114 went over to see about the door at Mrs. Waterford's former home that needs to be replaced. When we talked Monday morning he mentioned, "The neighbor told me Mr. Waterford is in jail for armed robbery."

I quickly looked over the Waterford's application. 615 credit score. No history of anything crazy. Geeze! Do I need to get a new screening company or a new crystal ball? I can't decide.


Matt tells me was at the Bankruptcy home cleaning the carpets when the barrage of Southern women came over in search of gossip. What happened to the former tenants? They were such nice people! Who is moving in now?

One woman in particular was ready to plow Matt down to get into the house. He said she demanded the curtains. Apparently Mrs. Bankruptcy borrowed them from this woman or promised them to her when Mrs. Bankruptcy moved out. Either way, she was there to take them and would Matt kindly step aside.

Matt saved my curtains and quickly locked the door. I don't think he was planning on that being part of his job description.

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