Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I got a call from Matt Tuesday. As you recall, Matt is a mortgage guy who took a hiatus for one month to try out being a handyman. After handling two of my properties, he decided the handyman vocation wasn't for him.

Anyway, Matt called with a simple question for me: Do I like being a landlord? I was sorely tempted to give him this blog site. However, then he might think I don't like what I do. And, there are days I don't. But, overall, yes I like being a landlord. I like it more when things aren't so shaky as they have been for the past two years.

There are many interesting points about my conversation with Matt. First, he called me about this. I don't really know him. He knows other local investors. However he told me the investors he has met recently don't have homes as nice as mine. Apparently the ones he has met of late tend to buy the least expensive homes and these are usually in neighborhoods scarier than I shop in. Apparently he was impressed with the variety of homes I have.

Second, he is looking at getting some investors together to start a real estate investment trust. Did I know anything about this? As a matter of fact, I was working on this two years ago when the market tanked, taking all of my best intentions with it. What I told him was talk to Attorney Jon--the man who introduced us to begin with. Attorney Jon is the King Midas of my Birmingham world.

What I really loved about my conversation with Matt was that I was able to talk shop. Matt is a great guy, though I think I will stick with Carolsue and Mr. 114 for my handyman needs. I love sharing what I learned and hearing how others look at real estate investing. Though I have to admit, the other thing I really-really liked about talking to Matt was what it did to my ego. Matt called me--a virtual stranger--to ask my opinion.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Sometimes I think you get so caught up in the "disasters" of the past year that you forget how far you have come in this field. Of course, he would want to pick your brain. That's what smart business people do. They find other smart business people and they pick their brains. Your brain is worthy to be picked.