Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weeding Out Whiney Waterfords

Oh... I just love alliterations...

It appears we have reached a detente with the Whinys. They have their apartment. They are moving on October 8. First, they are painting the room they painted blue. And, they offered to fix the siding they set on fire with their barbecue grill (the fire was news to me). And, they are paying 8 days worth of rent.

On October 9, I have new renters coming in. They love the house. They are financially stable. They lived in their last home for several years (and the landlord defaulted the house is in foreclosure). They are even willing to pay what I was getting before for rent.

Just to seal the deal, Kirby wrote this regarding the new people: "The new tenants said they are not complainers and that they take care of the little things that come up. They told me they replaced a toilet in the house they are in now."

I am trusting they truly terrific, top-notch tenants.


Lori said...

they sound awesome, which is what you deserve!

Fiona D. said...

Thank you Lori!