Wednesday, September 01, 2010

And The Rest of the Stories

Legal Eagle is back feathering her nest. She was busy preparing for trial and got sucked into that. Now it is month end and her trial is behind her. We did catch up on Tuesday long enough to talk about Mr. Smith. I will bug her about my other issue next week.

I also sent her my blog post from this past weekend as well. Interestingly enough, she doesn't know the teacher I mentioned. I promised her I wouldn't have gone that route unless I was in jail.

Mr. Smith is being served by my favorite process server, Red, this next week. Oh, what a great day! For anyone interested, Ms. Kathy might be willing to allow you access to her front yard where Carolsue will be cheerily selling tickets to the Process Serving Show of the Week. Oh someone, please take pictures.


Alberto got his new home. He is thrilled beyond thrilled. He has called me enthusiastically thanking me. I never stop marveling at how grateful people are over having a place to live. His sincerity is very touching.

Anyway, Alberto, Mrs. Alberto, Alberto Juniorette and their three dogs have a new home. The landlord, who has had an empty home since April has a rented home to a guy who will probably never move. The place will be well cared for and they will never complain about a thing.

I, in turn, get a small stipend which will go directly towards my kick-boxing and martial arts training. This might come in handy if I have to go back to 40th Street and Broadway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for happy endings, on both counts.