Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This Seems A Bit Convenient

The Whiny Waterfords called Kirby this weekend. The air conditioner isn't working as well as they would like once again. I don't know exactly what that means. Neither did Kirby.

Here are some relevant facts:
  • The Waterfords told Kirby a couple of weeks ago they can't afford rent in October and asked that their security deposit be used for rent (Kirby said no).
  • The Waterfords are very short on money in general and would like a rent reduction or will need to move out when their lease is up (October 31).
  • The Waterfords have given a conditional notice they are moving. That is, they would like to stay month-to-month for now. However, if Kirby finds someone after their lease is up (to move in November 1), they will have to leave.
  • The Waterfords have suggested before there were issues with the home and, more to the point, the five year old air conditioning unit before, only to find out they were grossly exaggerated.
Now, it could be very likely there is a problem with the AC. In fact, from what was described, and I am no air conditioner expert here, it sounds suspiciously like a clogged drain line. If it is such, I would prefer the guy who was out there before come back and do the job right.

All those things were conveyed to Kirby on Saturday.

But, I have to wonder how much of this is manufactured by the Waterfords. I ask this because they are suggesting there is a mold issue once again. They did this before when they were unhappy with their lease and money was tight. At the time Mr. 114 went over and checked. Nope, no mold.
My landlord BS meter is going off. Something isn't sitting right. Are they looking for an out in their lease? Are they looking for money from the "rich landlord" for a toxic mold claim?

Whatever the case, I will tell you this: I won't be sorry to see the Whiny Waterfords leave. I suspect they manufacture a lot of the drama in their lives. I would like them to manufacture their drama somewhere else.

1 comment:

BusyMommy said...

I would trust your BS meter since it is rarely ever wrong.