Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Summer of Non-Drama Came to A Crashing Halt

Sometimes I sit around thinking about calling this blog quits. I mean really, how many times can one read about Ms. Kathy not calling me before one yawns loudly? Even I get tired of writing about the same old, same old.

And now after three blissful summer months of very little drama (what's one pesky vacant home?) and a property manager to break up the monotony, I am writing less and less about the weird stuff and more and more about the mundane stuff.

The mundane stuff is what is supposed to happen. The mundane landlord is supposed to get the rent on Monday. The mundane landlord gets the call from Kirby on Tuesday saying the AC at the Waterford home went out again. The mundane landlord is supposed to hear from Mr. 114 on Wednesday that he just sent me an invoice for mowing a lawn. Then, the mundane landlord is allowed to bask in her mundaneness for the remainder of the week.

Mundane landlords don't need crash helmets or take lortabs (which I don't have either, but I can dream...)

I apparently will never be a mundane landlord because I have a home in Leeds. And, as we all are aware, Leeds has baggage. Not just my home or the neighborhood, but I am convinced there is something in that general area that affects the thought processes of the most seemingly normal people.

The Springs have decided to move. And, that alone is another blog post I am not up for today. Essentially, Mrs. Spring is making it difficult for me to practice seeing the good in everyone. So, not today.

But, what the Springs leaving does is give me blog fodder. And, of course this means more dealing with the insane people across the street. It means dealing with another vacant home. And, as the Springs don't promise to be a smooth transition, I am sure I will be wishing for the lortab. Or at least I will be writing. Because there always seems to be something new to write about in Leeds.

1 comment:

BusyMommy said...

:( Praying for mundane...