Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Bama

I got the following e-mail from my craig's list ad for the house in Leeds the other day:

Please send address. If you want me to rent your home, call me at XXX-XXXX.

I gotta tell you, I am not feeling the warm fuzzy vibe. Or, considering this is the Leeds house, the quasi-civilized vibe.

In a moment of desperation last week, I updated my resume. I hadn't done so since 1999.

It turns out running an accidental business has landed me a lot of (hopefully) useful experience that might translate into marketable skills someday if I decide to actually look for new employment (right now I am still in the "thinking about it" phase).

Part of what I wrote on my resume about my accidental business that may or may not be meaningful to a potential future employer:

"Able to keep company 100 percent solvent through challenging economic times."

That should be worth something, shouldn't it?

Former tenants e-mailed me on Sunday, sending me several pictures of their kids.

On purpose.

Just for the heck of it.

They said they thought I might like to see how much thier kids had grown. (I did.)

Though the rest of the world might think of this as bizarre, I am sort of used to this kind of thing.

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