Friday, September 17, 2010

Just When You Thought You've Read It All

Might we stroll back a bit in time, to say, May?

Do you remember Hysteria Lane? As a quick back story for my five readers: Tenant lived at Hysteria Lane. I found out the tenant moved out because the neighbor called me, letting me know the tenant moved out in March. The tenant paid every month on time. She still had a lease in place, so there wasn't much I could do if they were handling their end of the bargain. However, their lease is up the end of October.

October is right around the corner.

Could we all have a collective sigh that I will finally get tenants in Hysteria Lane who might actually LIVE there?

Thank you.

Kirby called me on Wednesday. He found a tenant for Hysteria Lane. In fact, it is the same tenant who is on the lease right now.

The tenant is renewing until July, 2011. They are officially moving back in. Why? Because the tenant got transferred to Montgomery AL. Her husband is still working in Birmingham. Calera is sorta half way, and voila! They don't have to go house hunting.

Yes. Really.


Unknown said...

A tenant who pays on time, is light wear and tear on the interior, and now pays to keep the lawn mowed?


Fiona D. said...

And doesn't live there!!! What more could a landlord ask!