Monday, March 01, 2010

Please Don't Put Out The Guest Towels

I am planning my trip to Birmingham and started e-mailing tenants, telling them I want to stop by. It seems nothing exudes mass panic like sending out a note to tenants saying, "I am in town. I would like to inspect your home."

Now, if I call you and say I would like to stop by, you may say it isn't a good time. Perhaps we will reschedule. However, if we have a contract allowing you to live in my home, and I give you a significant amount of notice (you really are only required to have a 2 day notice), it isn't a social request. It isn't optional. Artie sounded like he had a sudden bladder control problem when I called him. I have no idea how Ms. Shirley plans on getting her boyfriend to move out before I show up.

I even shot Mrs. Spring a note telling her I was stopping by. I hate to give up the tough landlord image Carolsue has deftly painted. It is fun for my ego to be thought of as tough as nails. That will come to a fiery end once we meet. I just can't channel bad-ass in person.

I am not dropping in on all of them. Just three or four. I would love to meet Ms. Kathy, but I will drive by and then decide how I want to handle this. I can always call her once I am in town. Truly, I think it is better if she doesn't know who I am. The mysterious and elusive landlord works better in her case.

It must be interesting to get an e-mail or call from your landlord under these circumstances. My expectations are not real high. I don't need to be impressed. After all, I have already approved these folks. The time for impressing is (hopefully) over. I would think any flagrant lease violations will be taken care of by the time I get there. Except Ms. Shirley's boyfriend. I have no idea how she is going to hide that one. Between you and me, I don't really care if she has a boyfriend living there if she pays the rent on time and the house is in half as good shape as Mr. 114 suggests. If I ever want to get rid of her, I will care about the boyfriend then.

The introvert in me really doesn't want to do this. Mr. Partner thinks this is a good idea. I think it is marginally necessary. I want to see where repairs were made, or need to be made. I want to make sure there aren't any major home issues. I personally find going through someone else's living space intrusive. I can't imagine how annoying it must be for them.

1 comment:

Joy N. said...

Good luck! I hope you make it to each rental ending with positive results... for all!