Saturday, March 27, 2010

Random Bama

Ms. Kathy sent me a high priority text at 5 A.M. the other day. The loose brick front steps that I discovered when I snuck up on her during my visit have been fixed--last week.

Frankly, I am glad she is speaking to me after my idiotic moment. It almost makes up for my phone ringing at 5 a.m. Almost.

No word from Jack on our house for sale. I am so busy with other things that I have forgotten to stress about it. Until now.

For the past several months the HVAC company I haven't used in almost a year has been calling me telling me it is time for a service on one of my homes. They tell me I paid for a service agreement--which I know darn well I did not. Or at least not on purpose.

Every time they call, I ask them to fax me this alleged agreement so I can see for myself. Every time they promise me they will send it and it has yet to come. I want it so I can ask for my money back. Because if I find out I paid for one, but I sure didn't authorize it.

Ms. Angela is unemployed and has lots of free time on her hands. I was caught off guard when she called me Friday to chat.

Also, I have gotten too many "forward this to everyone you know so you can annoy them and your wish will come true by 10:07 a.m. January 12, 2015 and if you don't your friends won't know how totally awesome you are because you didn't annoy them by forwarding this e-mail to you..." e-mails.

Sorry I didn't forward them to you. I am just not feeling totally awesome today.


Mr. Partner sent a sweet note, thanking me for all I do.

What is really cool is that it was unsolicited and this time it did not come as a result of Marty Sunshine's sudden confession that he found me in the throes of a nervous breakdown at the base of the stairs because I cracked under the stress. Things are looking up!

1 comment:

nancy case said...

You really ARE totally awesome.