Monday, March 15, 2010

From Floor to Ceiling

There was a little party at Artie and Candy's on Saturday. I wasn't in town for it. James, the hell's angel turned carpet guy, was there measuring for the new flooring, when the roof picked that moment to leak. Again.

I must tell you, I am starting to question my roof Karma. For a while last year, I couldn't figure out how my former tenants managed to live with a leaking roof for so long. Then someone reminded me how Alabama had been in a drought for a few years. It ended last summer, at the same time Artie and Candy moved in. Now, I am not saying Artie and Candy brought the rain with them, but it seems to be a might bit of a coincidence, don't you think?

The roof issue isn't really a big one. Mr. 114 has fixed it before. And this time I would greatly appreciate if he would fix it for good, thankyouverymuch. Or, if there is a new leak, if he could figure out a way to stop it once and for all. This isn't one of those occasions where the returning leak provides job security. I am certain Mr. 114 is smart enough and professional enough to be aware of that.

Normally phone calls on Saturday morning from the 205 area code make me crazy. But, after just returning from the South, I was aware James the hell's angel turned carpet guy would be out there some time soon. I am a bit surprised Mr. 114 needs to return. I am sure he was surprised too. Fortunately, Mr. 114 subscribes to Work Ethics Are Us and I won't have to fret too much about the roof repair.

As it stands right now, Mr. 114 must fix the roof before James can do his magic. This hopefully will be done some time this week provided the weather holds up. Then, Artie and Candy can have a real party. And perhaps they can bring on some sunshine.


Home Genie said...

I'll feel like a whiney brat if I ever complain again about my ONE rental...but it's just so stressful for me when even stupid little things come up. I'm not cut out to be a landlord. I worry too much. It's amazing you can handle all these. Your blog is definitely informative. I have learned from what you have told me all along and even more after reading your site. I'm thankful for the fact you are willing to share your wisdom so that others like myself can learn from your experiences!
It was certainly a blessing to have you come into my life! :)

Fiona D. said...

That is so sweet. Thank you for making my week!