Oh the irony...
And look what is behind the "Keep Leeds Beautiful" sign!
And, I am almost arrested for the second time in three days. (Carolsue was behind the first adventure. That's all I have to say about that...) In case there is any question, the folks at the cement plant really do mean this. I am not sure I had the nerve to call Legal Eagle and tell her I was in jail in Leeds for taking a picture of a sign.
What's behind door number 2?
Oh the irony part 2
In the event any of you think I make this stuff up. That is a University of Alabama football helmet mailbox under the United States and Confederate Flags.
Ode to Marty Sunshine
Don't see this in the highway department's catalogue of signs very often.
There are lots of homes just like this one. I thought it looked pretty.
I get the impression that these little rural towns in Alabama are their own worst parody. I loved the "modern homes: barns and sheds" picture. Unfortuantely with this economy, its bitter commentary.
Don't make me come to Alabama to bail you out of jail! You will do anything to get me there!
I should have elaborated, these pictures were taken in the metro Birmingham area, including surrounding suburbs--not rural towns in the middle of nowhere.
I promise I won't resort to extremes to get you to join me. But, the offer is always open. You would love Legal Eagle!
Next time I promise to stay away from questionably illegal activities and the Leeds police officers. Heck, if you come with me, I will promise to stay out of Leeds.
The mailbox looks like a giant Pez dispenser! LOL
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