Friday, February 27, 2009

A Minor "Misunderstanding"

I seriously don't know which one of my tenants is the most maddening right now. Although Ms. Betty seems to have calmed down, she has left a lasting impression. Every call this week has given me reason to cringe (and I have talked to her twice since Monday. This woman so needs a life).

There is Mrs. Martin. Yes, that one. But she is for another day. I am just not in the mood today.

Then there is Mr. Richards. If he didn't amuse me so much I probably would be screaming at him right about now. You see, it was a psychic premonition that got Mr. Richards to call Wednesday. At the time of his voice mail, he hadn't heard from Red. Apparently Mr. Richards just had an urge to call. I guess he just figured it was high time he got back in touch with me.

I know this timeline to be correct because Red called me Thursday morning to tell me when Mr. Richards was served. Late Wednesday night. But, back to Mr. Richards.

As you may recall, Mr. Richards offered me a super deal that went like this, "I will gladly pay you on March 20th for a place to live today." My voice mail response was something akin to I am not stupid enough to fall for this. Yes, I used the word stupid.

Mr. Richards has since left two voice mails, telling me I "misunderstood" his message. He tells me he didn't say March 20. He said March 6. Silly me.

Just so you know, I kept the voice mail. I replayed it just to make sure I wasn't crazy. March 20 sounds nothing like March 6--even with his thick Southern drawl.

He also repeatedly told me he didn't think I was stupid enough to wait for March 20 for rent. Gee, it is all a misunderstanding, and if I would pretty please call him back he would like to make this right. He also gave me a long-winded action plan. I am getting he really doesn't want to move.

I haven't called him back just yet. I will. But let him stew a bit longer.

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