Monday, February 02, 2009

Just for the Record

I should tell you, I really like what I do. I say this, because two of my six readers this past week told me that what I write convinces them NEVER to own rental properties.

It isn't so bad. Except when there is a lot of bad stuff going on. The bad stuff really stinks. Like this past summer. Just for the record, that REALLY sucked.

Most of the time, it is pretty easy, with an occasional frantic phone call about a gas leak (last week). And, as my tolerance for crummy tenants has reached a new low, I have to say, most of my tenants behave themselves. Thank goodness for that. Thank goodness for Carolsue too.

Most of the time, I just revel in the weirdness and the cultural aspects that come from growing up in a mega-metropolis and working with people from the South. The people and culture is still somewhat of a mystery to me. But, I am not the least bit sorry I have started my accidental company.


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