Thursday, February 05, 2009


What would I do without my bookkeeper Bliz? Lately she has been doling out the love. For that, I am grateful.

For example on Sunday when she knew I had given up hope, she Twittered me saying: "Turn on the game." It was the fourth quarter. The Cardinals had come from behind.

Tuesday I lamented that I did NOT, under any circumstances, want to live with my mother-in-law when Marty lost his job (she offered). Bliz jumped right in and said, "You wont. You can come live with me." I don't know if this meant just me or my entire family. And, because she didn't exactly check with Mr. Bliz and we aren't homeless yet, it really isn't an issue. But, the sentiment made me teary anyway.

Yesterday, I mentioned I was avoiding taxes by taking the kids to the park. Hey! It was too a nice day to spend crunching numbers and doing data entry. Bliz knew better. I got a message from her telling me to get back to the taxes. As always, she had my best interests at heart.

I really don't know what I would do without Bliz. At this moment, I am not doing the taxes even with her. But, I appreciate her nonetheless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to offer but Blitz beat me to it. Really I was. Honest. Cross my heart and hope to die! Truly I was. Darn that Blitz!!