Monday, February 23, 2009

The Broken Panic Button

This past week, Mr. Partner finally realized the things I have been panicking about for months are legitimate. In a way, it was a relief that he was oblivious to the Summer 2008 Alabama Business Meltdown. It made last summer more bearable knowing I didn't have to have alpha-landlord slap fights with Mr. Partner. However, it would have been nice if he had been slightly cognizant to the after-effects--like our serious depletion of capital.

It isn't that I haven't been jumping up and down suggesting that we have some changes to make. Because, let me assure you, I have. And, it hasn't been just me preaching this. I distinctly remember Marty Sunshine sitting down with Mr. Partner last October and telling him: we needed a Plan B if the economy continued heading where it was heading.

Lo and behold! The economy is on that downhill run Marty predicted. Of course, there is the added bonus that Marty also lost his job, making us even more vulnerable.

Sitting tight and waiting it out is an option in times like this. However, before we sit back and reap the benefits (or spoils) of our labor, we really need to get everyone on board with the right assessment of what to do. NOW is the time for the Alpha-Landlord slap fight. And, I am ok if I sit on the sidelines for this one. Let someone else figure this out.

On Thursday, Mr. Partner sent me some information on what the pundents are predicting will be the short and long term affects of our economy and the stimulus plan. Mr. Partner (all 6' 5" of him) even told me he is "scared."

That's all well and good, but "scared" was months ago. Now it is time for action. We have some big-time decisions to make. Our success depends upon it.

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