Thursday, February 19, 2009


Last night I woke up thinking about our future to-do plans. The down housing market and state of the economy has significantly affected our little Alabama business. For a while, I was happy to remind myself of what was working. Now I need to start fixing those things that seriously need attention.

It is like having a car that needs tires, air conditioning and a radio antennae. For a while I was just happy to have any old transportation. Now I am looking at the tire tread and thinking, you know, this really needs a look-see.

Yesterday, I put a call into Mr. Partner to see if he was up for lunch. I really want to pick his brain about the future. I need to surround myself with people smarter than me to figure out how to fix some of our upcoming challenges. Mr. Partner may have fresh ideas. My ideas are stale.

Additionally, I have started doing a lot of reading. I am reminded of a Friends episode where the character Joey is reading "Little Woman" and comes to the part where Beth is ill and he is afraid Jo can't help her. The character Rachel offers to put the book in the freezer, as a way to abate Joey's fears and rid him from the scary plot line. Earlier this week, Bliz sent me the financials. If I could have crammed my computer into my freezer, I would have done so. I did not want to face the inevitable. I still don't. But it is part of being accountable.

It isn't only financial statement reading I am doing. I am fascinated by the current economic indicators, the housing market and how our future is going to gel with all that is going on in the world. What, if any, opportunities are available to us? If there aren't opportunities, then what? Nah... there are always opportunities.

I read this great line yesterday, "conformity strangles creativity." This is true in so many facets of life. Right now, I am applying it to our fledgling Alabama business. It will be creative solutions to get us through this. Because what has worked in the past isn't going to do us any good in the future.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the best course of action is no action. Waiting "it" out is often times the best course when the waters are too choppy to swim. (Ready for another cliche?) Everything goes in cycles. The market will return and when it does, only those who have waited it out will profit. The real losers will be those that panicked and sold for less than they should have. You are doing exactly the right thing by just hanging in there. Your rewards will be plentiful in the end. (that sounded almost Biblical didn't it?)

Fiona D. said...

Forewarned is forarmed. :-)

Anonymous said...

True but stressing brings ulcers not results and clouds your vision. You and Marty Sunshine have worked far too diligently (and honestly) for you to worry about "what if's". The two of you have laid a solid foundation that will with stand this storm. I have the ultimate faith in both your capabilities.

Lori said...

hey, i know where you read that great line. ;^)

Fiona D. said...

It truly is an inspiring line. My compliments to the orignal author.