Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Clueless Mr. Richards

During lunch yesterday, I gave Mr. Partner a quick update on Mr. Richards. Essentially, I told Mr. Partner I would rather he limped along than pay Legal Eagle's son his next semester at Harvard (the boy is 7--but by the time we are done paying he won't be).

Anyway, Mr. Partner agreed. Let him limp if he is truly committed to staying, but at the first sign of trouble feel free to kick him out. Essentially, it is my call.

As a side note I have to tell you, this is a far cry from the alpha-landlord slap fights of the past. I am sorry I didn't get this particular directive in writing from Mr. Partner. But, no matter.

At the same time we were discussing him, Mr. Richards must have sensed something because he managed to leave a message to me right as I was digging into my pizza. I guess that means Red found him.

In his message, Mr. Richards asked me if I would "work with" him. And, if so, would I be willing to wait until March 20 for his rent. Um... No.

I would be happy to work with Mr. Richards. But, I am not willing to be stupid about it. And, I believe I used those exact words when I called him back. Mr. Partner got a kick out of Mr. Richard's message too, knowing full well, Mr. Richards had just crossed the line from reasonable to trouble.

What I did tell Mr. Richards when I called back and got his voice mail was that if he sent me a payment in the next few days I would call off the eviction. I didn't tell him what would happen if he didn't sent me a payment in the next 10 days, but I am guessing he isn't that clueless.

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