Wednesday, July 06, 2016

The Honeymoon is Over

Finn, also weary of Mr. Ex-Partner's antics today. 
Though I was sort of hoping I had more time, I really wasn't surprised when Mr. Ex-Partner started contacting me at 7 a.m. this morning. You see, since July 1, which was the day we officially disbanded the LLC, there has been drama. In this case, the drama came when Mr. Partner whipped out the old calculator and figured out that the out flow doesn't match the in flow. And though I have explained this phenomenon to him on a many, many occasions (this happens every July and December for a myriad of logical reasons), it came as a bit of a shock to him today because he is now having to look at this stuff on a daily basis.

In addition to the extra bills (and he ended up with less bills than Marty and I did, but you don't see us whining), apparently a couple of his tenants went MIA. So, the five hours of constant communication today was him saying things like, "Where? Where is my rent?" and me saying, "Why not call your tenants and find out?", which translates to "Hell if I know. Dude, figure it out." 

There were other comments too, like maybe I could send a letter and introduce him so the tenants wouldn't be surprised at the transition. I reminded him I gave him hard copies of that exact letter I wrote last week, but if he misplaced them, here were the same letters again for him to review. He also suggested I didn't actually send tenants a head's up they were supposed to deposit their rent into the correct bank account, and could their rent have gone somewhere else instead? Nope, the "somewhere else" account is closed as of last Friday. 

After that, he wanted me to prove I really sent the please-make-sure-you-deposit-rent-into-the-right-bank-account letter out. At which point I kind of did this "bless your heart" e-mail that basically said he had gotten on my last nerve I didn't have time, as I was under a tremendous deadline. I didn't point out that I managed nicely without this post-LLC micro-managing for years. 

Though he did his best to suggest I do his work for him (not my problem any more, thank you very much!), I didn't bite. I did tell him it was unfortunate this kind of thing happened, Murphy has a wicked sense of humor and I mentioned for the 20th time that I am sure if he contacted the tenants directly (instead of me) he might have better luck finding out where his rent happens to be. What I didn't say was, "You have used up five hours of my day. Why???"

I am quite aware had we not broken up the LLC this issue would have been mine and I would have spent my day hunting these folks down. And of course, I probably would have written about it, so you three readers wouldn't have missed anything exciting anyway. I am also acutely aware I wouldn't have lit up Mr. Ex-Partner's patch of cyber space with constant demands, micro-managing requests and vague pleas for help. Not because I know everything, but because I, too, had been where he is. And you know what? I figured out what to do. But I digress...

Incidentally, later in the day Mr. Ex-Partner cc'd me on an e-mail to one of the tenants (he finally e-mailed her) saying he expects with "any luck" I will still be involved. I am not sure whose "luck" he is thinks he is speaking of. 

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