Saturday, July 09, 2016

The First Domino

This used to be my favorite home. It is on a few acres, nestled in the mountains. The porch. Did you see the porch???

Don't be fooled. The pictures make it look fabulous compared to the last time I saw the place. Flunky put up the plywood over the missing garage door at some point prior to the rest of the home's destruction. That same plywood is now pulled off and I am guessing someone, or someones, have gone in to take a peek and see how much copper is left. As you can see, someone already helped themselves to the appliances. There are missing cabinet doors and I happen to have heard there are holes inside the cabinets where sides used to be.

If this blog had smell-o-vision, you would probably want to pass on the basement pictures. Sadly, instead of using the toilets, the last tenants used the basement for their business. I suspect they did that for months. That also may explain why the bathrooms look so, um, pristine.

Had this house been in reasonable condition when the tenants moved out, we might have been able to salvage everything and move forward. I calculated the damage upwards of $40,000 the day I saw it in 2015. And that was only the visible damage. That didn't include the copper wiring, which turns out it was sold (for who knows what) or plumbing (ditto) or anything else I forgot. Though one can see the pictures, this really is a shell of a home at this point. If you don't believe me, look at the price for sale.

It is those last tenants who are responsible for the destruction of this home. It is these people who will never know (nor care) how much damage they have done in my life. They are not accountable. They have no conscience. After all, according to them, we are the "rich landlords" and we deserve it. Right?

This home is one of the reasons why we had no choice but to sell out the LLC. We have been told by two attorneys Marty and I can expect to be sued because of this house. That isn't a dramatic statement. We know it is coming. We are at peace. There comes to a point where enough is enough. It was time to let it go. This is our first domino.

Note: if you look at the bottom of the listing it says we paid $146,000 for this property. I am not sure who told Zillow such nonsense, but no. This, class (and repeat after me), is why we never, ever trust Zillow when it comes to a home's value. 

1 comment:

Ernie said...

These must be old pictures mixed in with newer pictures because there is NO way in the world that house looks as nice as these pictures make it out to look! That place was WRECKED!