Tuesday, July 26, 2016

He's Gonna Run Out of Vacation Days if He Keeps This Up Much Longer

So Mr. Ex-Partner clearly took the day off from work on Monday to pepper the South (and me) with about six-million e-mails. I will spare you the most of them, because I like you three. But this one caught my eye. It was the first time he had ever communicated with Luigi. I will tell you this, he did use "Mr." in his introduction. So, so pleased he caught on.

Mr. Property Management Company Owner,

I am not sure that I need your services at this time. I may in the future, so I will hold on to your agreement for future reference.

I would like to know that when I do need your services, that I can get an addendum to your agreement that stipulates that NO Section 8 people would be considered for my rental properties, and that there would be a consequence for your company if you did allow someone to rent my properties under Section 8. Something to the effect that all repairs required when a Section 8 person leaves the property would be the responsibility of your company. It has been my experience that Section 8 people have no respect for a person’s property, and do not take care of it, and always leave them in a shambles. So I will not tolerate these types of people renting my properties. Let me know if this can be worked out.

Can we please translate this: You don't know me, but please be a patsy and agree to something in writing that I, as the owner, can just refuse from the get-go. After all, I have the final say in who rents my home. 

However, this wasn't the end of it. Luigi wrote him, back and said "ok, thanks for letting me know" (in response to Mr. Ex-Partner won't need his services). He did not acknowledge the remaining paragraph. About an hour later, Mr. Ex-Partner sent the following e-mail (and that reminds me, perhaps Mr. Partner could just pick up the phone once in a while and TALK to these people). I am starting to feel sorry for both of them. This was the entirety of the e-mail. 

 I might need you sooner than I thought. And more specifically what is your determination on the Section 8 Addendum that I was asking about?

I can already tell you what Luigi's "determination" of that addendum happens to be. At this time, I have not heard back from either of them. But I am sure Mr. Ex-Partner will be e-mailing me (and I am glad he isn't calling) asking why Luigi hasn't replied.

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