Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sins of Tenants Past

Ms. Shirley's rent is late. Very late. It is odd for Ms. Shirley, as she is getting widow's benefits. Every month she gets a check, hence every month I get a check.

On Saturday her rent hadn't arrived. I called, we talked, with a bit of shock and gasp on her end. She called back later, after she said she went to the store that issued the money orders. The checks hadn't been cashed. We agreed to touch base on Tuesday if the rent hadn't arrived.

Wednesday I had an empty PO Box again, I called and left her a message. I said, "Your check didn't arrive. Your rent is late." Ok, I didn't say it. I barked it. Ms. Shirley was now the bull's eye for every crummy tenant I have dealt with in the past month. I was in ill humor.

Sure enough, Ms. Shirley called back, leaving me a message. I didn't answer when she called because my mood hadn't improved. She said, "Mrs. Landlord, I see you called. I hope you got my rent check. Just call me back."

I have never, ever, legitimately had a check get lost in the mail. Ever. Tenants who tell me this always act like it is no big deal that a significant amount of money is missing. This seems to be a lie they cannot pull off.

I let Marty Sunshine call Ms. Shirley. There was no way I could say anything civilized. However, after speaking to her, he seems to feel there is some truth to her story--he thinks she really did mail the rent payment. I don't care. I just want my money with the least amount of hassle on my part.

Though I was in no mood to speak, I still was able to type. So, I shot an e-mail to Mr. 114, asking if he knew of anything going on next door to his home. Had he seen a moving truck? Was Guido knocking on her door of late?

Mr. 114 wrote back. Nothing exciting to report for next door. He told me Ms. Shirley's daughter was getting married this summer, and the reception was being held at the house. So, it looks like Ms. Shirley might be motivated to make sure the rent money is coming.

The way Marty and Mrs. Shirley left the call was Ms. Shirley told him she would be in touch in 24 hours. Meanwhile I called Red, the process server, and ask what he was doing this weekend. By Friday morning I will either have money or I will be willing to tell Ms. Shirley to change the bride's reception to a convenient I-65 underpass.

It is really too bad Ms. Shirley is paying for the sins of tenants past. Maybe the rent really was lost in the mail. Maybe this is an honest mistake. But that won't be my problem. I have enough challenging homes to deal with at this time. Ms. Shirley is on her own.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

I KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED! She bought the money order(s) and filled them out but then she laid them in the room with the horrific imaginary leak in the ceiling and they were ruined by all the imaginary water and now she is too ashamed to tell you. Yeah, that's the ticket. Leaky roof ruined the money orders. Yeah. OR maybe she had a big deposit to pay on the dress and/or cake for the wedding. You know Fiona, one must have priorities in this life and wedding dresses/wedding cakes have to be right up there! LOL Seriously, my bet is she forgot to mail the thing and you will get a "replacement" in the next day or so.