Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Going, Going, Gone

For those of you who missed the latest version of Alabama Weirdness, it goes something like this. I have a home in Calera Alabama. According to the neighbor, the tenant moved out two months ago. Except the tenant has been paying rent--which she is obligated to do, per the terms of her lease. Therefore, she can let the home sit vacant as long as she wants and there is nothing we can do about it, as long as she pays on time. Which, up until now she has.

This is a home Kirby manages. His rents are due on the first. So, I was eagerly awaiting Tuesday because it was the first of June. That meant we should have an answer to whether or not the home in Calera is vacant. I would prefer it is vacant, if the person on the lease is half the nuisance Brandy, the neighbor, suggests.

When I e-mailed Kirby Tuesday, he said we can't move forward until the rent is 5 days late. It is in the lease. So, we are stuck. More or less.

I did call Brandy on Tuesday, thanking her for her call last week. We had a lovely chat, which netted me unsolicited offer to mow the grass and some additional good will. It also gave me an excuse to ask her if there had been any activity at the home this past weekend, like the tenants showing up and cleaning the house. Nope. But the water is off and there were electricity shut off notices taped to the door. Ms. Brandy is sure of this, because she took it upon herself to take them off the door--just to be neighborly.

I am no psychic, but I'm guessing the rent isn't coming this month.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Nothing like receiving notice from a tenant that they intend to vacate the property is there?? Oh yeah, they didn't give notice. My bad.