Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hysteria Lane

After the few brief conversations I have had with the woman next door to my home on Hysteria Lane, I have formed a few conclusions.

1. She wears pearls when she vacuums.
2. She would fit in nicely on Privet Drive.

Brandy is a very nice woman, but I would not want to be on the end of her gossip train. What am I saying? I am sure, as the owner of the home next door, I am probably great gossip fodder.

According to Brandy, my renter is common trash who didn't "make" her children go to school (collective gasps here please). The renter painted the interior black and "trashed the home." Also according to Brandy, the tenant got married and moved out and hasn't been back since.

The later is true. My tenant did move out and hasn't been back since. But, the tenant has a lease. The tenant is following the lease and paying every month. As a quick sticking point, the tenant is not taking care of the yard--a condition of the lease.

Quickly, someone do the math: rent every month and someone else takes care of the yard. Or pay for an eviction of this tenant who is paying every month and someone else takes care of the yard?

Why is the yard important you might ask? Well, a poorly maintained yard suggests a poorly maintained home. Or (as in this case) a vacant home. Vacant homes bring in crime. Like a stolen air conditioning unit. A yard over-run with grass also brings in vermin and bees. These are not problems I wish to inherit. But, they are simple to fix.

A week ago Kirby contacted our MIA tenant and asked what was up. The neighbors had called. The home appears to be unoccupied, but there are still personal items. The water is off, as is the power. The back yard isn't cut (the front is, thanks to Brandy). This isn't acceptable--and violates the lease. What's up?

Kirby did tell her, if she wanted out of her lease, and she was willing to clean up her mess and allow us to show the home, we would work something out. If not, she needed to do something about the yard and the utilities. I personally wanted to be able to rent it out before school started. It is a very nice home, in a nice neighborhood. I charge more for this rental than most of my others. Why on earth would she want to pay so much for a place she wasn't living in?

Here was the tenant's reply (paraphrased).

I did get married and move out of the residence. I will pay the lease as to the original time frame. I had the water and electric service terminated while I was not there due to if something happened like a pipe breaking or such there would not be any damage. The water and electric will be back on within the next few days.

I am not worried about getting out of the lease until it expires due to it gives me time to get my affairs in order. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns.

They moved out and pay? And, Kirby also tells me she has made arrangements with another neighbor to take care of the grass too.

I am told she is willing to get out of her lease as soon as she can get the rest of her personal belongings--which Kirby tells me isn't really all that much. But, she is too busy right now to do that, so instead, she will just pay for the most expensive storage locker around. And, apparently it will be air conditioned and landscaped.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

Whoa. That's weird. Even folks with exceptional credit wouldn't pay that much money for a place to store their stuff UNLESS, she's not quite certain if this whole marriage thing is going to work out and she wants to be sure to have somewhere to live if it doesn't. As for Brandy, I think the girl needs a hobby (or a job) because she has WAY too much free time on her hands. I totally get not wanting sewer rats due to the high grass but it would have been infinitely easier for her to have called the homeowners association or the city to have this taken care of versus all the legwork she endured to find you. Brandy didn't just want the yard mowed, she wanted vengeance!