Friday, March 27, 2009

The Truth Will Set You Free (of a Place to Live)

A few weeks ago Mrs. Martin voluntarily told me she was sending the rent. When it never showed up, she said she was sending a second rent check, because I never received the first.

What are the odds we believe cash-strapped untruthful Mrs. Martin really did just happen to pop a "second check" in the mail? Maybe slightly higher than a blizzard here in Mesa Arizona next August?

On Thursday I texted Mrs. Martin (because she refuses to take my calls or respond to my e-mail) to ask what day she sent the second check. I got a slightly incoherent text back saying she owed someone money so she will send the full rent next week on payday.

Yea she owes someone money. Me! And maybe the only person she should feel a greater responsibility to paying first is maybe Guido the Knee-Breaking Loan Shark. Maybe. As a mother, I have to tell you, I would pay for the roof over my kids' heads first before I paid Guido. But, that is just me.

But no matter, Mrs. Martin sealed her own fate with that note of truthfulness. I am not running a charity. My patience packed its bags and left town months ago. Instead I opted to show her exactly what I thought of her tremendous display of honesty and lack of regard for a place to live. She is being served an eviction notice.

By Alabama law, she has 10 days to get me the rent--which happens to fall into the timeline she has promised it to me. If I don't get it, we all know what happens then.

1 comment:

Ernie said...

LOVE the title of this post!! VERY very good.